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It's important to use and handle essential oils with care, and to be well-informed on the subject, as they are powerful. Respecting their uses, application methods and doses is essential.


General recommendations :

- Essential oils are generally contraindicated for :

  • Persons, babies and children under 3 years of age,
  • For children over 3 unless prescribed by a doctor,
  • Pregnant or breast-feeding women,
  • People with asthma, piles,
  • People with health problems,
  • People who are allergic and have not taken the tolerance test,
  • People prone to hormone-dependent cancer or other pathologies involving excess d'œstrogènes.

- Essential oils must be handled with care, so please keep them out of the reach and sight of children.

- If you are undergoing treatment, consult your doctor about the compatibility of medications with essential oils.

- After handling essential oils, wash your hands thoroughly.


Topical use:

-In cutaneous application, it is advisable to carry out a tolerance test beforehand. Simply place 2 drops of essential oil in the crook of your elbow. Wait 48 hours. If there is no reaction, you can use the essential oil on the skin, but always diluted. In the event of réaction, contact your doctor or pharmacist directly. 

- Essential oils must never be used undiluted on mucous membranes, in the ears, in the eyes or around the eyes. Essential oils do not mix with water. In the event of contact, apply a generous amount of vegetable oil to the affected areas.

- Essential oils cause many effects, some are irritating or dermocaustic. Not all essential oils can be used pure on the skin. Most need to be diluted in a fatty base (usually vegetable oil). In the event of discomfort, redness, pain or other symptoms, contact your doctor and stop using the essential oil.

- Among the indescribable effects of essential oils, some are photosensitizing. After using these essential oils, do not expose the area concerned to the sun for a period of at least 8 hours.


Ingestion / injection :

- For the oral route, if you have accidentally ingested a pure essential oil, immediately rinse your mouth with a vegetable oil (food grade), sugar or honey. Call your doctor, who will guide you through the next steps.

- Injections of essential oils are prohibited.


Landema provides this guide for purely informative and preventive purposes, taken from various specialized sources, and does not accept any liability. Our advice does not replace the diagnosis of a health professional. If you have any doubts about possible irritation or other symptoms, please contact your doctor immediately.