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Discovering the French essential oils heritage

France possesses a rich heritage of essential oils, a veritable aromatic treasure stemming from its diverse terroirs. From Provençal lavender to Landes maritime pine, to Corsican everlasting sandy, each region offers unique essences, shaped by their environment. This diversity represents a considerable asset for eco-responsible professionals seeking high-quality, locally-sourced natural ingredients.

The concept of terroir, traditionally associated with wine, applies perfectly to essential oils. It encompasses the geological and climatic characteristics, as well as local expertise, which confer distinctive properties to each essential oil. For professionals concerned about the environment and the quality of their products, these French essential oils offer a valuable alternative to distant imports.

The importance of short supply chains and local ingredients has never been greater. They allow for reducing the carbon footprint, supporting the local economy, and ensuring optimal traceability. It is with this perspective that we will explore the French heritage of essential oils, with a particular focus on the Landes region and the specialties of, a pioneering company in the valorization of aromatic resources from this lesser-known region.

What you will find in this article

Here are the three main points you will read in this article:

  1. The richness and diversity of French terroirs: France possesses an exceptional variety of terroirs conducive to the production of high-quality essential oils, ranging from Provençal lavender to maritime pine from the Landes. This geographical and climatic diversity confers unique properties to French essential oils.
  2. Commitment to sustainable and eco-responsible practices: French producers, such as and the Biolandes group of which it is a part, emphasize environmentally respectful production methods, promoting local biodiversity and adopting sustainable agricultural practices. This commitment meets the expectations of eco-conscious professionals and consumers.
  3. Quality and traceability as major assets: French essential oils benefit from strict quality standards, certifications (such as "Organic Agriculture"), and advanced traceability systems. These guarantees offer professionals reliable and authentic products, essential for applications in fields such as aromatherapy, cosmetics, and wellness.

These three points underscore the importance of the French essential oils heritage as a considerable asset for professionals seeking high-quality, eco-responsible, and traceable natural products.

French essential oils


I. The exceptional terroirs of French essential oils

France, with its diversity of landscapes and climates, offers a remarkable array of terroirs conducive to the production of high-quality essential oils. Each region contributes its unique essence to this olfactory heritage.

A. Overview of essential oil producing regions in France

Provence, the cradle of modern aromatherapy, is world-renowned for its essential oils. Fine Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) reigns supreme, particularly on high-altitude plateaus. Its delicate fragrance and soothing properties make it a prized ingredient in cosmetics and aromatherapy. Lavandin (Lavandula intermedia), a more productive natural hybrid, is cultivated in lower altitude areas. It offers an economical alternative, although its fragrance is less refined.

Corsica, the island of beauty, is home to unique aromatic plants adapted to its Mediterranean climate and granitic soils. Everlasting sandy (Helichrysum italicum), nicknamed "Corsican gold," produces an essential oil with exceptional anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. Green Myrtle (Myrtus communis), another insular treasure, is valued for its purifying and invigorating virtues. Verbenone Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis verbenoniferum) is also part of the flora cultivated in Corsica; its essential oil is particularly appreciated for hepatic issues.

The Alps, with their high-altitude meadows, offer ideal conditions for robust aromatic plants. Winter Savory (Satureja montana) thrives there, yielding a powerfully antiseptic essential oil. Spruce (Picea abies), emblematic of Alpine forests, produces a tonic and respiratory essence.

B. Focus on the Landes and Aquitaine

The Landes terroir, less known for its essential oils, nevertheless harbors aromatic treasures. Characterized by its vast pine forests and sandy soils, it benefits from a temperate oceanic climate. This unique combination profoundly influences the aromatic plants that grow there.

The oceanic climate of the Landes, marked by mild winters and moderate summers, favors slow and steady plant growth. This gradual maturation allows for optimal concentration of active principles in the essential oils. Sea spray also brings trace elements that enrich the soil and, by extension, the plants.

C. Maritime Pine: emblem of the Landes

Maritime Pine (Pinus pinaster) is inseparable from the Landes identity. Its history dates back to the 18th century when engineer Nicolas Brémontier initiated a vast planting program to stabilize coastal dunes. Over the centuries, this artificial forest has become the largest forest massif in Western Europe, covering nearly one million hectares.

The essential oil of Maritime Pine from the Landes is distinguished by its richness in alpha and beta-pinene, molecules with powerful antiseptic and expectorant properties. Its balsamic fragrance evokes the freshness of the Landes undergrowth. This specificity is directly linked to the terroir: the sandy soil and oceanic climate influence the chemical composition of the oil, making it unique.

French essential oils


II.'s specialties: a unique expertise, a company deeply rooted in the Landes terroir, has developed a unique expertise in the production of local essential oils. Its holistic approach to maritime pine processing and its valorisation of other regional essences make it an indispensable player in eco-responsible aromatherapy.

A. Maritime Pine: from tree to essential oil has developed a comprehensive process for maritime pine transformation, maximising the use of this precious resource. The needles, bark, and even the resin are utilised to produce various essential oils and derivatives.

The essential oil from Maritime Pine needles is obtained through steam distillation. It is renowned for its respiratory antiseptic properties and invigorating effect on the body. In aromatherapy, it is used to alleviate bronchial afflictions and stimulate the immune system.

Turpentine essence, derived from resin distillation, finds applications in traditional medicine for its antirheumatic properties. In industry, it serves as a natural solvent and is incorporated into eco-friendly varnishes.

B. Examples of other French essential oils Offered by

Green Myrtle (Myrtus communis) is cultivated in Corsica. The Green Myrtle essential oil available on's online store is characterised by its richness in 1,8-cineole, endowing it with remarkable expectorant and mucolytic properties. It is particularly valued in aromatherapy for treating respiratory conditions.

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) produces an essential oil with venous and lymphatic tonic virtues. offers a superior quality essential oil directly purchased from a French distiller, prized by natural health professionals for treating heavy legs and haemorrhoids.

Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea) yields an essential oil renowned for its regulatory action on the female hormonal system. Rich in linalyl acetate and sclareol, it is a precious asset for natural health professionals in managing menopause and menstruation-related issues. It is also appreciated for its fragrance, perfect for masculine accords or for imparting an original signature in chypre perfumes, making it an asset in perfumers' palettes.

C.'s commitment to local ecosystem valorisation engages in sustainable harvesting and production practices, respectful of the Landes environment. The company prioritises reasoned harvesting and organic cultivation, ensuring the perpetuity of plant resources.

The Biolandes Group, of which it is a part, extends its environmental commitment to using wood residues recovered from its forestry and furniture production activities at its Le Sen site in the Landes to generate the steam for distilling its essential oils.

Find more information on the eco-responsible use of essential oils in the article "Choosing, using, and preserving essential oils: best practices for responsible use".

French essential oils


III. Professional recipes and uses of French essential oils

French essential oils, renowned for their quality, are widely used by professionals across various sectors. Here is an overview of the most sought-after oils and some recipes highlighting's specialties.

A. Top 5 most popular French essential oils

  1. Fine Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): Soothing and versatile, it is indispensable in aromatherapy and perfumery.
  2. Lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia): More affordable than Fine Lavender , it is extensively used in ambient perfumery and cosmetics.
  3. Verbenone Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis verbenoniferum): Hepatoprotective and mucolytic, it is particularly prized in aromatherapy.
  4. Everlasting sandy (Helichrysum italicum): A powerful anti-bruising agent, it is essential in preparations for athletes.
  5. Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis): Recognized for its anti-inflammatory and calming properties, it is widely used in cosmetics and aromatherapy.

B. Recipes using's specialties

Respiratory synergy:

This synergy combines the expectorant properties of Maritime Pine essential oil with the mucolytic virtues of Green Myrtle. It is particularly effective when massaged onto the chest to alleviate respiratory conditions.

Circulatory blend:

This blend associates the venous tonic action of Cypress essential oil with the circulatory stimulating effect of Maritime Pine. It is recommended for local application to relieve heavy legs.

Hormonal balancing blend:

This preparation combines the hormonal regulating action of Clary Sage essential oil with the soothing properties of Fine Lavender. When massaged onto the lower abdomen, it is particularly indicated to alleviate menopausal symptoms.

C. Sectoral applications

For physicians and aromatherapists, these essential oils offer natural alternatives in treating various conditions.'s Maritime Pine and Green Myrtle are particularly appreciated for respiratory issues, while Clary Sage finds its utility in managing hormonal disorders.

Farmers and breeders increasingly use essential oils as alternatives to chemical products. Maritime Pine, for example, can be used as a natural repellent against certain parasites, while Clary Sage essential oil finds applications in managing stress in livestock.

You will find other examples of essential oil use in agriculture in the articles "Essential oils, the natural weapon against pests and diseases" and "Top 5 essential oils for abundant organic harvests".

In the cosmetic industry and perfumery, French essential oils are sought after for their quality and authenticity. Perfumers particularly appreciate the woody notes of's Maritime Pine to create original masculine fragrances.

French essential oils


IV. Quality and traceability of French essential oils

The reputation of French essential oils is built upon stringent standards and a rigorous traceability system, assuring professionals of high-quality products.

A. French standards and certifications

AFNOR (French Association for Standardization) standards define quality criteria for numerous essential oils. They specify the physicochemical characteristics that oils must meet to be considered authentic and of high quality.

Organic Agriculture (AB) certification guarantees that essential oils are produced using environmentally friendly methods, without pesticides or chemical fertilizers. This certification is particularly sought after by ecologically conscious professionals.

Some regions have developed their own labels, such as the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) for Haute-Provence Lavender essential oil, guaranteeing its geographical origin and traditional production method.

B.'s traceability system has implemented an advanced traceability system, allowing each essential oil to be tracked from plant to bottle. On their website, an origin country filter enables customers to specifically select French essential oils.

This transparency is crucial for discerning professionals. It allows them to know precisely the origin of their ingredients, a major asset in meeting growing consumer expectations for transparency and ethics.

C. Quality controls and analyses subjects each batch of essential oil to rigorous analyses. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry are used to determine the exact composition of each oil, ensuring its purity and authenticity.

These controls offer professional users the assurance of using products of consistent quality, compliant with the strictest standards. The detailed technical sheets and analysis reports provided by are valuable tools for formulators and therapists, allowing them to use their essential oils with confidence.

French essential oils


V. Advantages for professionals using French essential oils

The use of French essential oils, particularly those produced by, offers numerous advantages to professionals in various sectors.

A. Benefits for different professional sectors

In the medical and paramedical sector, French essential oils are valued for their quality and therapeutic efficacy. Doctors and therapists practicing aromatherapy can rely on quality products whose origin and composition are perfectly known and controlled.

In the cosmetic and wellness industry, French essential oils bring considerable added value. Their superior quality and local origin meet growing consumer expectations for naturalness and eco-responsibility. Brands using these ingredients can thus stand out in a highly competitive market and retain demanding customers.

For agriculture and livestock farming, French essential oils offer natural alternatives to conventional chemical products and have the advantage of being sourced through short supply chains.

B. Added value for products and services

The use of French essential oils allows for real differentiation in the market. Professionals can highlight the local origin and superior quality of their ingredients, which constitutes a powerful selling point for increasingly discerning customers.

Moreover, these essential oils perfectly meet the expectations of eco-conscious consumers. They allow for offering more natural products and services that respect the environment and support the local economy. This approach aligns with the growing trend of "consuming better" and can help build loyalty among customers seeking meaning and sustainability.

C. Support for the local economy and biodiversity

By choosing French essential oils, professionals directly contribute to supporting the local economy. They participate in maintaining and developing agricultural sectors in rural areas, thus creating jobs and preserving traditional know-how.

This approach also has a positive impact on biodiversity. The cultivation of aromatic plants for essential oil production promotes the maintenance of diverse ecosystems and contributes to the preservation of certain plant species. For example, the production of Maritime Pine essential oil by contributes to the valorization and sustainable management of the Landes forest.

French essential oils


The major asset of French essential oils heritage

The French essential oils heritage represents a significant asset for eco-responsible professionals. From the richness of terroirs to the exceptional quality of products, and including the unique expertise of producers such as the Biolandes family group, of which is a part, French essential oils offer a multitude of advantages.

The diversity of essential oils produced in France, particularly in the Landes region, allows for meeting a wide range of professional needs. Whether in the fields of health, wellness, cosmetics, or agriculture, these essential oils provide natural and effective solutions.

The commitment of producers like to sustainable and environmentally respectful practices further enhances the value of these products. By choosing these essential oils, professionals align themselves with an eco-responsible approach that meets the growing expectations of consumers.

In the future, the role of local essential oils in a sustainable economy will only grow. They represent a valuable alternative to synthetic products, offering natural solutions for numerous sectors of activity. Professionals who successfully integrate these aromatic treasures into their practices will be well-positioned to address tomorrow's environmental and economic challenges.

Ultimately, the French essential oils heritage, particularly that of the Landes region valorized by, constitutes an invaluable resource for professionals concerned with quality, authenticity, and eco-responsibility. It is a legacy to be preserved and developed, for the benefit of all and future generations.

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As a customer of the Landema website, did you know that we also have a physical store? If you live in the Landes, in New Aquitaine or are planning to stay there, do not hesitate to visit us! We are located in Le Sen, on the Biolandes site, very close to Labrit, Roquefort, and Mont-de-Marsan, in the heart of the Landes de Gascogne regional natural park.

Essential oils are natural aromatic substances extracted from plants. They are often used in aromatherapy for their health and wellness benefits. Essential oils can be extracted from different parts of plants, such as leaves, flowers, barks, roots or seeds. The use of essential oils dates back to ancient times, where they were used for their medicinal properties and to perfume cosmetics and skincare products.

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