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Essential oils, your summer well-being allies 

Summer is synonymous with relaxation, escape and gentle living. But it's also the season of minor ailments that can quickly spoil your tranquility: insect bites, sunburn, heavy legs, difficult digestion... Fortunately, there are 100% natural solutions to help soothe and even prevent them: essential oils!

Aromatic concentrates derived from plants, essential oils are packed with beneficial active ingredients for your well-being. Anti-inflammatory, soothing, repellent, refreshing... Their properties are multiple and perfectly suited to the needs of the summer season. To boost their effectiveness and precisely target your indications, consider synergies! The principle is simple: by combining different carefully selected and dosed essential oils, their benefits are enhanced. It's a bit like the principle of 1+1=3! The aromatic molecules act in complementarity for optimal results.

So, ready to discover the best synergies to adopt this summer? Follow the guide, we'll tell you everything!

What you will discover in this article: 

Here are the three key points of the article on essential oil synergies for optimal well-being this summer:

  1. Essential oil synergies, by cleverly combining different essential oils with complementary properties, boost their effectiveness for a targeted and optimized effect on summer's minor ailments such as mosquito bites, sunburn, heavy legs or digestive disorders.
  2. The best essential oils to combine in synergy for summer are Citronella, True Lavender, Geranium, Peppermint, citrus (Lemon, Orange), Roman Chamomile, Cypress and Wintergreen. They provide repellent actions against insects, soothing and repairing for the skin, decongesting and refreshing.
  3. To fully enjoy the benefits of synergies safely, it is essential to choose 100% pure and natural high quality essential oils such as those offered by, and to respect the precautions for use (dilution, route of administration, contraindications). Used in diffusion, topical application or massage, they allow you to spend a serene and healthy summer naturally.

In summary, organic essential oil synergies are valuable allies to optimize our well-being during the summer season, combining effectiveness, naturalness and ease of use. Well chosen and used, they respond to all the little summer troubles.

Synergies of essential oils for summer


The power of essential oil synergies 

Before revealing our favorite summer synergies, let's do a little theoretical point on how essential oil synergies work. A synergy is the combination of several essential oils, generally 3 to 5, in proportions studied to obtain a superior effect to that of each essential oil taken individually.

Concretely, the aromatic molecules of the different oils will interact and mutually potentiate each other. For example, the eugenol of Clove essential oil (Eugenia caryophyllus) will reinforce the analgesic action of the menthol contained in Peppermint (Mentha x piperita). Or the soothing esters of True Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia) will sublimate the healing ketones of Everlasting sandy (Helichrysum italicum).

The therapeutic interest is multiple: synergy of action on the same sphere (skin, circulation, digestion...), broadened spectrum of action by combining essential oils with complementary indications, synergy of penetration with a vegetable oil which promotes the absorption of the active ingredients... It's all a question of balance and knowledge of the properties of each essence.

To create an effective synergy, the quality of the essential oils used is paramount. Always favor 100% pure, natural and if possible organic oils, preferably from a complete distillation to preserve all the aromatic compounds. The premium quality of essential oils is ideal for making your synergies.

Now that you have all the keys in hand, let's move on to practice with our 4 must-have summer wellness synergies!

Synergies of essential oils for summer


Anti-mosquito and repellent synergies 

Ah mosquitoes... These unwanted guests at summer evenings that buzz around our ears and riddle our skin with itchy bites. To keep them away naturally, there's nothing like a synergy of repellent essential oils!

The advantage of using a synergy rather than a single essential oil? Combining repellent molecules for an enhanced effect and creating a complex scent that disturbs the mosquitoes' highly developed sense of smell. Several scientific studies have proven the effectiveness of repellent synergies based on essential oils, with a protection rate of 90 to 100% for 4 to 8 hours (see source at the end of the article).

The 3 star repellent essential oils of summer to combine are:

Citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus): rich in citronellal and geraniol, it is the best known and most powerful for repelling mosquitoes. Its lemony scent masks that of our skin.

Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens): its floral and rosy fragrance disorients mosquitoes. In synergy, it reinforces the repellent action and soothes the skin in case of bites.

True Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): in addition to repelling flying insects, it calms itching thanks to its soothing power.

Here are 2 easy synergy recipes to make yourself for optimal protection:

Natural repellent spray

• 30 drops of Citronella essential oil

• 30 drops of Geranium essential oil

• 20 drops of True Lavender essential oil

• 20 ml of 90° alcohol or Solubol®

• 80 ml of water

In a 100 ml spray bottle, pour the alcohol or Solubol® and the essential oils. Top up with water. Shake before each use and spray on the skin.

Repellent dry oil

• 50 drops of Lemon Eucalyptus essential oil

• 40 drops of Citronella essential oil

• 30 drops of True Lavender essential oil

• 30 ml of Jojoba vegetable oil

Mix the essential oils with the vegetable oil in a tinted glass bottle. Apply to exposed areas.

Precautions for use: do not apply to the skin of children under 3 years old and pregnant or breastfeeding women. Do a skin test in the crease of the elbow before first use. Do not expose yourself to the sun after applying synergies containing photosensitizing essences such as Bergamot or Lemon.

Read 7 mistakes to absolutely avoid with essential oils in summer for more details on precautions for use.

Essential oils synergies for summer


Soothing and repairing after-sun synergies 

Despite conscientious sun protection, UV rays can attack our epidermis and cause sunburn. Redness, burning sensations, tightness... To soothe and repair stressed skin, after-sun essential oil synergies are real SOS treatments.

The star essential oil for after-sun care is undoubtedly True Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). Its soothing, regenerating and healing properties thanks to its high concentration of esters make it the ally of irritated skin. In synergy with other calming and repairing essential oils such as Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) and Everlasting sandy (Helichrysum italicum), it boosts its anti-inflammatory action and accelerates the healing of the epidermis.

To sublimate your synergy, opt for a nourishing vegetable oil such as Sweet Almond. Rich in antioxidants and repairing fatty acids, it strengthens and softens the skin while soothing feelings of heat.

Here is a recipe for a soothing after-sun oil to make in a few minutes to relieve your skin:

Soothing after-sun oil

• 20 drops of True Lavender essential oil

• 5 drops of Roman Chamomile essential oil

• 5 drops of Everlasting sandy essential oil

• 100 ml of Sweet Almond vegetable oil

Mix all the ingredients in a tinted glass bottle. Apply generously to irritated areas after sun exposure.

Precautions for use: do not apply to damaged skin or over a large area. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not expose yourself to the sun after application.

Essential oils synergies for summer


Light legs and circulation synergies 

Heat, prolonged sitting, change of pace... Summer sometimes puts our legs to the test. Feeling of heaviness, swelling, restless legs... To find light and toned legs, rely on a synergy of decongesting essential oils!

The 3 essential oils to combine for an effective light legs synergy:

Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens): it is the reference essential oil in case of circulatory problems and heavy legs. Thanks to its content of monoterpenes, its veinotonic power boosts circulation and decongests tissues.

Peppermint (Mentha x piperita): very rich in menthol, it provides an immediate sensation of freshness and lightness while activating microcirculation.

Wintergreen (Gaultheria fragrantissima): with its unique content of methyl salicylate, it reinforces the draining and decongesting action of the other two essential oils. 

Combine this synergy with light massage movements, always from bottom to top, to promote venous return. You can also elevate your legs for a few minutes after application for an even faster effect.

Here is the recipe for our freshness synergy for light legs:

Light legs massage oil

• 30 drops of Cypress essential oil

• 20 drops of Peppermint essential oil

• 10 drops of Wintergreen essential oil

• 100 ml of Jojoba vegetable oil

Mix the oils in a tinted glass bottle. Massage the legs from bottom to top morning and/or evening.

Other tips to stimulate circulation: move regularly, alternate hot and cold showers on the legs, avoid tight clothing and too high heels, hydrate sufficiently.


Digestion and detox synergies 

Richer meals, change in diet, frequent aperitifs... Summer can put our digestive system to the test. Bloating, heaviness, slow digestion are common. To find a flat stomach and easy digestion, carminative essential oil synergies are very effective.

The 3 essential oils to combine for a top digestion synergy:

Peppermint (Mentha x piperita): composed of menthol and menthone, it stimulates the liver and aids digestion, relieves stomach pain and intestinal spasms. Its fresh taste is also very pleasant.

Lemon (Citrus limon): it is the detox essential oil par excellence! Rich in limonene, depurative and stimulating, it boosts the liver and gallbladder to better digest and eliminate.

Basilic (Ocimum basilicum): its content of methyl chavicol gives it antispasmodic properties; it acts in synergy with Peppermint to relieve pain and bloating.

In massage on the belly clockwise after meals, this synergy will bring you quick relief in case of discomfort. You can also prepare a digestive herbal tea by adding 1 drop of each essential oil.

Here are 2 recipes to try without delay for light digestion this summer:

Abdominal massage oil

• 20 drops of Peppermint essential oil

• 20 drops of Lemon essential oil

• 10 drops of Basilic essential oil

• 30 ml of Jojoba vegetable oil

Mix the ingredients and massage the abdomen clockwise after each meal.

Digestive herbal tea

• 1 drop of Peppermint essential oil

• 1 drop of Lemon essential oil

• 1 tsp of honey

• 200 ml of hot water

Pour the boiling water over the honey and essential oils. Mix well and drink after meals.


Essential oil synergies, your summer wellness allies 

As you will have understood, organic essential oil synergies are valuable allies to spend a serene and healthy summer. Repellent against mosquitoes, soothing after a day in the sun, decongesting for light legs or digestion facilitators, they respond to all the little troubles of the summer season.

By cleverly combining different essential oils with complementary properties, they boost their effectiveness for a targeted and optimized effect. Easy to make yourself, they allow you to simply enjoy all the benefits of aromatherapy on a daily basis.

For maximum effectiveness and safety, always be sure to choose 100% pure and natural essential oils, ideally organic, like those offered by And don't forget to respect the precautions for use: dilution in a vegetable oil for topical application, contraindications in pregnant women and young children in particular.


Source for the scientific studies mentioned in part 2 (in French)

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Essential oils are natural aromatic substances extracted from plants. They are often used in aromatherapy for their health and wellness benefits. Essential oils can be extracted from different parts of plants, such as leaves, flowers, barks, roots or seeds. The use of essential oils dates back to ancient times, where they were used for their medicinal properties and to perfume cosmetics and skincare products.

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